Bay Area Parents Are Getting With the PLAN

Back-to-school season is officially underway and it’s always during this time that we at Change Communications rue the sad state of public education in our country. Instead of kicking rocks, we want to do more to improve the quality of public education for children in American, no matter their socioeconomic status. To that end, we’re lucky to work with PLAN (Bay Area Parent Leadership Action Network), a non-profit organization comprised of parents and caregivers that advocates for low-income families in public education.

PLAN‘s message is positive and inspiring. The hard-working advocates at PLAN believes that the schools most affected by a failing education system can be reformed if parents unite, become educated, and are given adequate tools to make a change. Through a diverse mix of networking forums, leadership trainings, and action campaigns, PLAN offers parents the powerful tools they need to help reform the school systems in their communities.

As a 501(c)(3) dependent on rapidly shrinking grants, PLAN is currently seeking sponsors for their upcoming fundraiser gala ceremony in December. In addition, PLAN is always seeking annual corporate sponsors. If you know of a company that believes in building a voice for children throughout the Bay Area, please send an email to melia(at) You can also make donations on their Website. It’s time to get with the PLAN!