The only thing that we like more than food and art is FREE food and art. Our client, Union Square SF, is hosting its second showcase of the popular neighborhood’s exciting food and art scene on Thursday, June 4 from 5-8pm. And yes, it’s free. You just have to RSVP to get a wristband.
So here’s what you have to do to take advantage of Union Square’s generosity.
– Check out the lineup here and make a note of which places you want to hit up
– Read about the event on Hoodline and listen to Union Square rep Jeani Hunt-Gibbon chat with the always entertaining Joel Riddell on Dining Around (Union Square segment comes around the 9:18 mark but listen to the whole segment because Joel’s awesome).
– Grab your best pair of eating and drinking shoes.
– Show up at 5pm at Emporio Rulli on Union Square and get your wristband and map. You’ll also get the opportunity to enter to win a Union Square gift basket.

– Use hashtag #SFFoodArt to document your exploits

We’ll see you there.
If you’re a reporter/blogger and want a media badge, shoot an email to katy(at)